07 March 2012

Sunburnt and Moving

This past weekend, Patricia and I were able to have our first day where we weren't working, planning the wedding, trying to move in, shopping for things for the apartment, riding combis, dealing with immigration, or lining up honeymoon stuff. This has been our list for the past month and a half and we need to unplug from all of that. We took a day to the beach where I bumped into some friends without planning and after the count there were 11 Minnesotans on a random beach in Lima. wild. Anyways, I jumped right in the ocean and started playing Ultimate frisbee in the sand with some new friends and didn't even think about sunscreen. Well, I will never ever make that mistake again. Last night was the first night I could lay down and sleep after 3 nights of torture. Trading the awesome day for the ruined skin was a ok, but I will think twice next time.

Things are starting to come together. The month has been a wild adventure of the mentioned list above with always something to be done. We are pushing towards the goal where we can wake up relax and cook a nice breakfast on Saturday morning instead the other things. We got all our major purchases made: stove, refrigerator, washer and bed. Now we need to set up the kitchen build a closet type space among a few other things to up the comfort in our new house. 

I've started basic work with the church plant. Tonight is our third weekly gathering and our launch team is growing. We have some great new additions. I have been working on the website www.vidaensurco.com  (still some editing to do) and starting the planning for our niños. I'll be running the kids progam that we are calling Amigitosville. Amigito is a play on of "little friends" and ville well village I guess - Amigitosville.

One thing in the back of my head right now is I only have 17 days legally left in Perú. We filed all my papers when I first got here so we are waiting for responses that should happen between 30 and 40 days. So I need my responses anytime now! Otherwise we could have some bumps in the future. 

Family and friends are coming in 10 days! Wedding in two weeks. I could have everything planned and try to follow a schedule the best that we can but I think I'm just going to leave it open and let everyone join the crazy adventure as is. Can't wait to see you all!

steven y patricia

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